Monday, June 4, 2007

Twenty Three: woo la wee!

All done. My thoughts: well, some of this I found to be of interest, some of it I found to be useless. But what I did find is that I now know what all this stuff is so am no longer in the dark when I see things like "de.lic.cious" or whatever.
So there ya go!
Some of these things I imagine will go by the lee and some will be used for years.
I use Bloglines now, tho' many of my feeds have gone to "no longer being updated" and it's only been a month.
So, who knows.
But it was def. an interesting experience and was fun for me and all the staff to do!
Et voila, j' suis complete.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Twenty twooo: whoohoo

I've been using Netlibrary for a few years. And helped probably 100s with using it. Both audio and the online books are very very helpful in our jobs here at ASH.
Now, once I get mah fancy MP3 player I'll download a-books to it and sit on planes, etc. with funny look on my face as I listen and act bemused.

Twenty One: Blackjack! Or beerpodjack

Those of you who know me will be shocked that I added
to my Bloglines account.
But beer, along with the common porkchop and bacon, tastes good.