Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fourteen: Tagalicious

Hoo ha, I'm-ah tagging, granny:

I utterly failed to claim this, tho' as there was pwrd confusion...too many sign ups. Ah well, the world shall never know of my particular brand of...genius is too strong of a world...idiom?...naaah...oh never mind.
Wait...I did figure it out...methinks it's claimed....
Lookout world! Awkward sentences and poor double entredres to follow!!

Lucky 13: Deeelicious

Found this to be of use...don't know if I would use it but I can see it being useful to others. If I were more of a "mobile" librarian I would find it supremely useful...but I pretty much use the same desk(s).
Still...tis a clever thing this
Must say the security of it's password and naming setup is the most complicated i've used yet. Kicked back my pwrds repeatedly.
Far out, man.